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Ápolói állás Svédországban

Ápolói állás Svédországban0
Ápolói állás Svédországban0
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kategória: külföldi állások

Apoloi allas Svedorszagban, kiemelkedo fizetessel

Right now we have open vacancies in Sweden for nurses with experience in:
psychiatry, operation theatre (scrub nurse), geriatrics, paediatrics, radiography, and internal medicine (preferably with one subspecialisation like cardiology or pulmonology).

The nurses working in Sweden have a high professional status; they represent an autonomous sector, with its own organisation. They can perform independently complex medical tasks and they receive constant education and training.
The nurses are organised in Nursing Colleges, which contribute to the development of nursing science and its professional management.

In Sweden it is common that experienced nurses are head of departments and participate at the management of the hospital.

We are responsible for the selection of nurses in 6 regions of Sweden, and for organizing their language training and relocation.

We collaborate with the public health care in Vstra Götaland, Kalmar, Gvleborg, Uppsala, Sörmland and Vstmanland and now there are vacancies, permanent and full time employment, for nurses in many different specializations.
The positions are in public hospitals in medium and small towns of the above-mentioned regions.

To learn more about our services, please, visit our webpage, where you can find info about the recruitment process, about the language training, about our relocation services and about living and working in Scandinavia.

Would you like to start an application process with us? I look forward to hearing from you.

Contact me:

Kántor Dóra

feladva: 2019-09-09

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